WP1, WP3 and WP4 final reports
On the final teleconference held 17/06/2021, the leaders of work packages 1, 3 and 4 (WP1, WP3 and WP4) presented the WP final reports to the partners. All partners have approved the final reports.
On 17/05/2021 the Final Technical acceptance protocol and report on eGAFOR prototype was presented to the partners on a teleconference. After the analysis, all the partners have approved the report via email.
20210517_eGAFOR_WP3-Final-Technical-acceptance-protocol-and-report-on-eGAFOR-prototype-WebThe concept of workshops for forecasters
Forecaster’s training in eGAFOR was planned and conducted, as it was defined in the project, in the following manner:
- An initial set of trainers, consisting of at least one instructor from each METeorological Service Providers (METSP) partner, was trained on the eGAFOR Editor* workshop.
- Each METSP partner organised a National Level Workshop (NLW). All operational forecasters attended NLWs, where they were taught the concepts of collaborative forecasting, the recommended practice for eGAFOR MET elements forecasting and usage of eGAFOR Editor.
- Upon completion of all NLWs, Joint Level Workshop (JLW) took place. The JLW had two main objectives for the forecasters, training simultaneous collaborative forecasting and getting to know each other (experience in meteorological collaborative practice in Europe shows that it is much easier to work with familiar colleagues). The JLW was also used for the eGAFOR system prototype testing, a part of WP3.
* eGAFOR system prototype consists of two parts, a part for forecasters, eGAFOR Editor and a part for end-users, eGAFOR Viewer
The eGAFOR Editor workshop
The WP4 team attended the eGAFOR Editor workshop in Bratislava on 26.2.2020. The goal of the workshop, training of basic performance of the eGAFOR editor was successfully achieved.
National level workshops
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the National level workshops were organized for a longer period than planned. Operational forecasters from all METSP partners attend the training on a national level as follows:
ARSO 15.-22.06.2020.
CCL 28.9.-06.10.2020.
OMSZ 05.10.-15.10.2020.
SMATSA 08.10.-4.12.2020.
BHANSA 12.-16.10.2020.
ROMATSA 26.10.-30.10.2020.
SHMU 15-22.2.2021.
The goal of the National level workshops was to familiarise operational forecasters with creating eGAFOR product, which was defined in the Recommended practice booklet, and to learn how to use the eGAFOR editor.
Joint Level workshop
The Joint level workshop was organised in period 1.-31.3.2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Joint level workshop was organised in an online form. Program for the online version of the Joint level workshop was created and approved by all partners. Since the main goals of the Joint level workshop were to meet colleagues from all partners in the project and to practice simultaneous collaborative forecasting and harmonization of the forecasts, it was decided that for one month all forecasters (for forecasters in shifts mandatory, for forecasters not in shift optionally) will hold a daily joint teleconference and simultaneously practice the eGAFOR forecasting.
The JLW was conducted from 1st until 31st March 2021. Every day, operational forecasters from all METSP partners attended the workshop. At the beginning of each session, a teleconference was held on which all forecasters introduced themselves and discussed the weather situation for the day. After the teleconference, forecasters simultaneously and collaboratively created an eGAFOR forecast. Harmonization issues were resolved via phone or built-in chat.
On all the sessions at least one instructor from the WP4 team was monitoring the workshop and was available to the forecasters.
Despite some technical difficulties, forecasters did not experience harmonization issues in 74.5% days of the workshop.
Workshops for the end-users
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, workshops for the end-users (general aviation pilots) could not be organised. To circumnavigate this issue, a tutorial video ˝How to use the eGAFOR Viewer¨ was created instead of users training. The video is made public via YouTube and is accessible through the eGAFOR Viewer.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the timeline of all workshops was prolonged. In some cases, the time gap between the National level workshop and the Joint level workshop was too long, so in some cases, skills in using the eGAFOR system prototype were forgotten. However, due to the long duration of the Joint level workshop, there was enough time to improve that skills. Despite the fact that in 74.2% of workshop days some technical issues were experienced, all planned eGAFOR forecasts were successfully issued during the Joint level workshop.
All the operational forecasters from all METSP partners attended both the National level workshop in their respective country and the Joint level workshop in the online form.
Due to the online form of JLW forecasters had not the opportunity to meet in person colleagues from other METSP partners. However, thanks to daily teleconferences they managed to familiarize themselves with most of their colleagues from other countries.
Because of the relatively long duration of the JLW, forecasters had enough time to practice simultaneous collaborative forecasting and harmonization of forecasts. Thanks to that, the forecaster’s skills significantly improved during the joint level workshop.
Biserka Franković,
WP4 leader
Due to unforeseen circumstances arisen from COVID-19 pandemic, the project duration is extended until 30/06/2021.
The main ground for the extension is the partners’ inability to organize a Joint Level Workshop (JLW) for forecasters in person.
The main results of the project will be:
- Tested and validated eGAFOR prototype (software for creating eGAFOR forecast and displaying it to users)
- Trained personnel (forecasters)
- Informed end-users (general aviation pilots)
Since trained personnel is crucial for successful forecasting, JLW is essential for the successful completion of the project. Forecasters usually work alone or with co-workers, and because of that, the main challenge is to train forecasters from different countries to work collaboratively and simultaneously. Experience has shown us that people collaborate more effectively if they know each other. JLW in person would be a perfect opportunity for all the forecasters from all the partner countries to meet. JLW was planned to take place close to the end of „WP4 – Training“, in October-November 2020. However, due to the pandemic, it was impossible to organize JLW in person last autumn. Hopefully, it will be possible to organize it in April or May 2021.
We are aware that there is a risk that it would not be possible to hold JLW in person even in spring 2021. In that case, the mitigation will be to hold a virtual JLW. Virtual JLW is a suboptimal solution, but in our opinion, it would be a shame not to complete the project and launch eGAFOR operationally next summer, because the most of general aviation flights take place in summer.
An additional consequence of the pandemic is that there were no airshows or other events on which the partners would be able to promote the Project. Hopefully, it would change next year and the partners would be able to promote the Project on airshows that typically start in late spring. If that will not be possible, the partners will promote the Project only by video material uploaded to Youtube.
Although the eGAFOR prototype is completed, Work Package 3 – eGAFOR system development is extended until 31/05/2021. The reason for that is the final testing of the system which will occur during the JLW (forecasters will issue the forecast, and the selected GA pilots will validate the product).
Here you can find eGAFOR video tutorial.